Author Heidi Collins
22 Jun

SFX Junior Celebrate Good Times!

On Thursday 22nd June, the children and staff of SFX JNS CELEBRATED! Many school wide goals have been achieved and the children have worked incredibly hard all year. There was plenty to celebrate: 1. Our Amazing Green Schools Committee won the Fourth Green Flag for Transport. Well done to all in the school community for […]

22 Jun

Autism Acceptance and Celebrating Difference

In May, we celebrated Autism Acceptance and Celebrating Differences over the course of two weeks. The theme we had for our celebration this year was ‘Same Chance.’ The important message for our celebration was that everyone deserves to have the same chance to participate in all school activities. The children really embraced this theme with 1st and 2nd classes pairing up with […]

19 Apr

Shield Status Achieved

Thanks to the ongoing work from our Blue Shield Team, we have been awarded our Shield Status. Being awarded Shield Status signals to children, parents/carers and teachers that SFX Junior School is proactively managing its approach to bullying and is committed to continuous improvement in combatting bullying. Our Kindness Monitors continue to seek kind deeds on the […]